Force Window Size for Standalone Build?

I recently finished the Space Shooter tutorial. I went to build settings → player settings to make sure my width and height were 600 and 900. I unchecked Default is Full Screen and disabled Display Resolution Dialogue.

I build the scene and run it. When I run it, the resolution dialogue doesn’t show up as expected but the game window is as big as the screen (windowed, but at what looks like 1920 x 1080).

Seems to me like it’s simply not working. I tried building as web player and it worked fine.

Any ideas?

I fixed this by going to Player Settings>Resolution and turned ‘Default is Full Screen’ on.

This pops up another toggle for ‘Default is Native Resolution’ which I then unchecked and then unchecked ‘Default is Full Screen’ again. My app opened in the resolution I had entered for Default Width & Height then ‘400 x 450’.

Had the same issue. Use Screen.SetResolution() on the Awake of one of your scripts. I don’t know if this is the best solution though, and unfortunately the game may load in other resolution, it’ll just set its resolution when the loading finishes and the game actually starts.