[FORGE NETWORKING] Authoritative Movement

Hello! Can u tell me how can i make alternative authoritative movement in one script?

I can’t do it like in video with authoritative input cause my controlling script is in Vector3.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using BeardedManStudios.Network;

public class MultiplayerController : NetworkedMonoBehavior {

    public GameObject camera;
    public MultiplayerController script;
    Animator anim;
    public float x;
    public float y;
    public bool walking;

    private GFRectGrid grid;
    public float roamingTime = 1.0f; //how long it takes to move from one tile to another
    //whether the object is to move or not, to where and how fast
    private bool doMove = false;
    private Vector3 goal;
    private float roamingSpeed;
    //cache the transform for performance
    private Transform cachedTransform;

    void Start(){
        if (!IsOwner)

        anim = GetComponent<Animator>();
        cachedTransform = transform;
        grid = ForbiddenTilesExample.movementGrid;
        //make a check to prevent getting stuck in a null exception
            //snap to the grid  no matter where we are
    void Update(){
            //move towards the desination
            Vector3 newPosition = cachedTransform.position;
            newPosition.x = Mathf.MoveTowards(cachedTransform.position.x, goal.x, roamingSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
            newPosition.y = Mathf.MoveTowards(cachedTransform.position.y, goal.y, roamingSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
            cachedTransform.position = newPosition;
            //check if we reached the destination (use a certain tolerance so we don't miss the point becase of rounding errors)
            if(Mathf.Abs(cachedTransform.position.x - goal.x) < 0.01f && Mathf.Abs(cachedTransform.position.y - goal.y) < 0.01f)
                doMove = false;
                walking = false;
            //if we did stop moving
        } else{
            //make sure the time is always positive
            if(roamingTime < 0.01f)
                roamingTime = 0.01f;
            //find the next destination
            goal = FindNextFace();
            //--- let's check if the goal is allowed, if not we will pick another direction during the next frame ---
                //calculate speed by dividing distance (one of the two distances will be 0, we need the other one) through time
                roamingSpeed = Mathf.Max(Mathf.Abs(cachedTransform.position.x - goal.x), Mathf.Abs(cachedTransform.position.y - goal.y)) / roamingTime;
                //resume movement with the new goal
                doMove = true;
            } else{
                Debug.Log("Collision detected.");
                walking = false;
        anim.SetBool("isWalking", walking);
        anim.SetFloat("y", y);
        anim.SetFloat("x", x);

    Vector3 FindNextFace(){
        //we will be operating in grid space, so convert the position
        Vector3 newPosition = grid.WorldToGrid(cachedTransform.position);
            y = 0f;
            x = -1f;
            walking = true;
            newPosition = newPosition + new Vector3(-1,0,0);
        } else if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightArrow)){
            y = 0f;
            x = 1f;
            walking = true;
            newPosition = newPosition + new Vector3(1,0,0);
        } else if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.DownArrow)){
            x = 0f;
            y = -1f;
            walking = true;
            newPosition = newPosition + new Vector3(0,-1,0);
        } else if(Input.GetKey(KeyCode.UpArrow)){
            x = 0f;
            y = 1f;
            walking = true;
            newPosition = newPosition + new Vector3(0,1,0);
        //if we would wander off beyond the size of the grid turn the other way around
        for(int j = 0; j < 2; j++){
            if(Mathf.Abs(newPosition[j]) > grid.size[j] / grid.spacing[j])
                newPosition[j] -= Mathf.Sign(newPosition[j]) * 2.0f;
        //return the position in world space
        return grid.GridToWorld(newPosition);


Please help, i need to make this authoritative!! :C

Hey there!
Is there a reason the FindNextFace() where you input to the system cannot simply be made Authoritative?

No idea how to do that for Vector3.

Can u show a simple example how to do that in my script?

you are kind of missunderstanding what authoritative input is. Technically could just send the Vector3 to the server and execute code based on that. But that mitigates the purpose of authoritative input.

Authoritative input is basically where you are sending your keystrokes to the server and nothing more. The server then executes code and sends updates to you (the player) based on what happens from pressing certain keys. This ensures there is literally no way the client could cheat because the server is actually executing the code.