Forge Networking Free Announcement

Forge Networking Free is now LIVE on the website! Go to to get started :smile:

To download Forge Networking Free, you are going to have to register your account if you haven’t already and once you have you will find the download ready to go in your developer profile! :smile:

Unity has taken over 2 weeks to review the asset so we decided it was time to push it to our website. Please feel free to give it a go and let me know what you think! We are eager to hear if there are any bugs in the port from the core to free.

Thank you so much for being a part of this process and participating in the community. We can’t wait to hear all of your great feedback! :smile:

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Thank you very much! I’ve been looking for the free version since it was announced the first time. This is a big and great step for indie developers since they can trial it for free and can upgrade it after they tried it.

This networking solution seems to be one of the best on Unity. I’ll try it definitly!

Two things I have noticed trying the free version:

  • The package doesn’t contain the DemoMove.cs script. I’ve tried to build up the simple demo from the forge networking manual.

  • And the more unpleasant fact of that “NetworkedMonoBehavior” is wrong spelled! It should be “NetworkedMonoBehavioUr”

// edit: Ok, just googled that “Behavior” is more likely in American English but since Unity is using the format with the “u” within, it should be also used like that to preserve the format and flow.

So I am questioning myself. Will this remain like it is or are you willing to change it?

This is in the wrong forum, please keep these announcements to your thread in Assets and Asset Store forum. I’ve warned you about this before.