Looks pretty good but I ran into an issue early on in my attempt to play it. I was just starting the tutorial/training and pressed the “F” key to go to full screen. I ended up going to a full black screen and couldn’t exit full screen mode (neither “F” nor “Esc” returned me to normal mode) so I had to reboot. I’m running OS X 10.4.11 and the latest version of FireFox.
I might also recommend that when you know your game will be played in a browser that you design your key / mouse inputs so they can be played in a window / browser normal mode.
Well we really liked your game it was fun and we’re glad to have it on Wooglie and we hope that you will keep improving this game to make it even better cause this game has alot of potential!
I did hit a bug on level 5, though. I dropped the second barrel and it exploded, then it respawned two in the same place … this caused some freaky physics fun where the barrels would push each other off and keep exploding, so they’d reset then push each other off and keep exploding again … this loop went on for a good 10 seconds or so before they both settled and I was able to pick one up and finish the level
hehe. Some testers found that bug out as well, but they had so much fun with it that they didn’t want me to fix it So i just tried to fix the bugs that were preventing players from completing a level.
Whats the point of making something fool proof when fooling around can be so much fun some times : ) Especially in a sandbox like this.
Just one thing: the camera control. If you’re going to have that kind of 3rd person camera, you need to make the vehicle control directional. Or, you could just have a lock camera to vehicle setting. That way, you could actually go around corners without having to touch the mouse.
Another bug (camera control’s not a bug, I speak of the bugs mentioned by others): The scroll wasn’t getting locked to the webplayer, so my zoom scroll was causing me to scroll down the page away from the webplayer.
Thats quite easy to fix. I will add this functionality today. I’ll just add rottion based on the getAxis.
Yup, noticed this as well after I submitted it to wooglie (since I had been testing on a page with no scrolling). You guys know a way to fix this? Can unity stop the browser from picking up the scroll wheels input?
Not to sound ignorant but what does api stand for/mean? Sorry to hear it was rejected on the first time - good luck on the resubmitting. (i hope this isn’t one of the cases where the 3rd time is the charm)