I have worked on the logic of the script a litle more and this is what i want
how formation ai will work
bool haveleader;
if (haveleader)
if ( no enemy detected follow formation)
if ( formation == circle )
keep formation circle around leader
else if ( formation == front)
troops at front; infront of leader
else if ( formation == pincer)
troops at front and split into two groups forming trangle in front of leader
else if ( formation = all behind )
troop at behind
else if ( formation square )
troops form sqare around leader and move in formation
else {
{ attack nearest enemy
else if ( !haveleader)
if ( no enemy detected )
{ stay
else attack nearest
I need help turning this into unity script. CAN SOMEONE HELP ? I am working on this alone on my spare time. It could be in c# or javascript.
thanks in advance