Forsaken Sanctum 3.1

To all that don’t know me, I started out years ago trying to build a 3d MMO, got into beta and realized it was just too much for one man. I then began been building browser games and tutorials on how to build browser games and have been doing it ever since.

Forsaken Sanctum started as a 3d MMO then went to a Browser Based game. I have now integrated Unity into it and am getting close to a Alpha release

Here is a video showing the features and the Unity Side

Here is the website for Forsaken Sanctum

and the storyline

quick screen

I will post again when I am ready for Alpha sign ups. Need to update the website and forums a bit first.


This looks really awesome :slight_smile: congrats on getting it so close to release! Well intrested to see how this turns out :slight_smile:

i love it! this is great idea, but very hard to pull off alone
didn’t know unity can communicate with databases? Thought it’s only uploading high scores, i can imagine the possibilities then

thanks for the comments

yes, I have it connecting to the websites DB and updating all throughout exploring. Individual updates are one request so it is light on DB touches. It also pulls all the areas info like amount of trees, rocks, ect… from the DB so the level is basically built from the same DB.