Fortnite Effect still ripples through the game industry.

Wildlife, a mobile gaming startup, raised $120 million in a Series B funding round that gave it a $3 billion post-money valuation.

Is this the ‘secret sauce’? battle royal, I mean…look at the art style, the mechanics, the game play.
Clean, simple, fast…is this, the next gen in mobile?
Is realism on mobile…dead?

Either way, don’t give up, when your feeling like you won’t succeed…think of how a couple of brothers, new game developers, had a vision, worked long and hard and created 3 billion dollars worth of wealth…doing what they love.

It cheered me up.

Unity, now valued at $6B, raising up to $525M | TechCrunch › 2019/07/25

I wouldn’t look to stories like this for motivation. Dig a deep hole going the wrong direction that way.

I stick with realistic graphics for now only because there is more ready-made content available that I can use in my projects in that style. If I am paying artist to make content from scratch, no way in hell I’d shell out for realistic graphics. Simply takes too much time.

You have to consider inefficiencies in the workers. Every person, and especially those with less years experience, will spend a certain amount of time wasting time fruitlessly. Not on purpose of course, just normal human error.

Say you hire enviro artist to make your trees. He might spend 10 hours fussing over individual leaf cards. Something that could have been done perfectly fine in 20 minutes.

With realistic graphics there is more layers of stuff you need, which means more opportunity for human error to amplify time. In other words, you giving people more opportunity waste time on superfluous shit.

Maybe sounds a bit harsh but I think if you looking at what others are doing and asking, “is this what I should do?” you are already too far behind. You need to be breaking ground somewhere others havent already.

Only other path I can see is make similar product cheaper. But who the hell wants to do that.

I say avoid the feeding frenzy. Find your own niche. Otherwise its really just a crap shoot. If you need money right now going to be easier outside of games.


Looks like it. That “wildlife” company is apparently not doing that great if they need to shamelessly spam their ads in random online forums.

OP has nearly 600 posts over the years. That’s a quality sleeping spam bot.
No, he’s not spamming. He’s just posting media for context.

It costs more to make a photo-realistic game than a cartoon one. Unless the executive of a mobile game studio is a “true gamer”, visual fidelity is the corner that logically gets the cut, as unless you are the big players in the industry, mobile game profit margin is very slim.

Realism don’t matter that much with good trained and skill artists, look at those speed painting video, or the chineese copist that makes copy of old master artist in only 3 hours.

Cartoon is only faster when you don’t have enough skills, or hasn’t been trained properly to be efficient.

Those cartoon in the video are very well produced in 2D form. The 3D part is overtly simplified and they basically leverage the 2D illustration to prime a sleeker mental image.

ALSO BATTLE ROYAL ISN’T AN INVENTION OF FORTNITE, BLAME THE HUNGER GAMES FOR REVITALIZING THE IDEA IN GAME, but you had a successful japanese movie to set the name, then a bunch of minecraft mods to set the video game genre, then dayz for refining the mechanics, PUBG for tightening it and making it mainstream, then fortnite for accidentally erasing everybody’s contribution while still adding a key element of build fight …

If you’re creating a game with the expectation that it will last many years the last thing you want to do is choose an artstyle that will require significant upkeep to remain relevant. Realism ages poorly while cartoons age gracefully. World of Warcraft is a great example of this with even the oldest areas still looking beautiful.


Is that what you do…a spam detective? looking out for the greater good? I’d say your a troll.

Lets keep the tone light and on topic, they were right to call out spam if they believed it was a spam post - we get a ton of it here. And someone corrected them already. Issue is already put to bed and discussion that is relevant is already happening - dont start an argument in your own thread.

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I’m not a bot, i sell some on the unity store to prove that and i dont have much post in the unity forums
I think sometimes some just get in forums and later on goes somewhere else, and yeah some few posts members are bots, annoying one but not all of them

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Is this a joke? It’s like someone finds out that Brad Pitt gets 10,000 love letters a day, so they decide being a normal guy = dead.

Actually, you’re looking at the top end of a perfectly healthy industry. If you can’t satisfy the 20,000 people who will buy a good game in your favorite genre (giving you plenty of money in the process), what will you do with the billion customers who want to play whatever is trending in the rest of the world?

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Couldn’t have put it better myself.

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In order to prove you are not a bot, click on images that have a car in it. :stuck_out_tongue:

PBR have aged very well though. You can take your unity 5 game and migrate it to 2019 or 2020 HDRP pipeline and it will look like a 2020 game.

PBR is only four years old.

pbr isn’t an art style either


Personally, I don’t have any problem playing realistic games from around 2011 onward. Sure they aren’t as pretty as Cyberpunk, but they aren’t head-spinning ugly either.

Realism isn’t going anywhere. Fortnite is just designed to run on as many devices as possible, so everything is compressed, including the art detail. I’m sure that’s a big part of why this new wonder child got 120 million.

Just remember that the kind of people who are playing realistic RPGs and such are not generally interested in piddling around on a mobile phone trying to level up and beat their friends. Fortnite is a specific type of game for a specific type of audience. So is Candy Crush. They are for kids to play on their way to school. And they pose no risk to realism in games.

I play ravenshield from 2003, so it’s an invalid statement that realistic games don’t age well.

But it’s the standard used when creating realistic styled games since it came out.

Our game looks alot better today than it did in 2016 and we are even still on built in.

Imagine if it was on HDRP and that it was used to its fully.

Regardless realistic games age well, half life 2, Doom 3, ravenshield, crysis, etc, etc