Sometimes I just can’t adequately express my emotions with a simple emoticon. As I am such an emotional and expressive person I have come up with a solution I call emoti-arms. I think this would be a good forum enhancement as I know we (especially us programmers) are very emotive and expressive people. I think the emoti-arms could come in pairs but we feel free to mix and match.
My suggestions (I have to render them as ASCII for now):
Yey: :)/
Hip hop arm wave: ~:sunglasses:~
Forlorn: /
Hello: :)/
Yikes: / (Same arms as Yey)
Shrug: ^:roll_eyes:^
Why I aughta…
Hug? =o——o=
Peace man. Y:sunglasses:Y
With these new emoti-arms I feel we would be able to get across the emotional impact of our C# code more to each other and be more productive.