Forum enhancement: emoti-arms

Sometimes I just can’t adequately express my emotions with a simple emoticon. As I am such an emotional and expressive person I have come up with a solution I call emoti-arms. I think this would be a good forum enhancement as I know we (especially us programmers) are very emotive and expressive people. I think the emoti-arms could come in pairs but we feel free to mix and match.

My suggestions (I have to render them as ASCII for now):

Yey: :)/
Hip hop arm wave: ~:sunglasses:~
Forlorn: /:frowning:
Hello: :)/
Yikes: :hushed:/ (Same arms as Yey)
Shrug: ^:roll_eyes:^
Why I aughta… :eyes:

Hug? =o—:smile:—o=
Peace man. Y:sunglasses:Y

With these new emoti-arms I feel we would be able to get across the emotional impact of our C# code more to each other and be more productive.


This adequately expresses my emotions.

This is what it might look like:
As you can see it expresses 4 times the amount of emotion as the emoticon alone.
emoti-arms ™

The hug one looks more like wolverine coming to cut you. Or the blue skinned demon from tenchu 4. Which ever you prefer, the latter is more obscure.

The clarification on that one killed it for me.

Here’s mine:

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@yoonitee You’ve created a lot of rather off-topic and noisy threads as of late, tone it down or you will incur an official warning.