Forum keeps logging me out

Does anyone else have to log back in at least twice a day?

This has been happening since the forum was rolled back. I do click “Remember me” whenever it asks. The forum is the only service that logs me out. Unity Ads, the Asset Store, etc. all keep me signed in as expected.


It is more like every 5 minutes, and not twice a day.

I think a while ago, the forum login system has changed to something else, and it has been glitching out this way ever since.


Yup. At least twice a day now.

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Yeah can’t be bothered to visit much until its fixed.

Same here. The asset store also likes to log me out, which is especially annoying when it automatically changes its language based on my ip.

Yep. The forum isn’t asking me for my password most of the time; I just hit the login link at the bottom of the General forum and I’m back at the General forum and logged in. Annoying, but still better than the forums which will not be named.


This happens when I’m on my phone. On my PC half the time it asks for the password and the other half it just logs me in.



Thought my browser was acting up. Every time i see a comment that i want to comment on i get the “Error, you need to sign in”.

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Yep. Same problem here. I get the same problem with most of the parts of Unity that require sign in. Even the editor prompts me to sign in about once a week. But the forums, two times a day at least, and the asset store has never remember whoe I am (unless I’m going through the edtior and already signed in).

I was thinking it was a firefox thing but apparently not.

The editor log out thing has stopped for me with 5.4 release but the forums & such still log me out on their own occasionally but only sometimes because I use the task manager or as an easy way to save tabs when I start to do something memory intensive like bake or render or Windows 10 forcibly closes Edge because it’s low on memory.

This might help someone, I had this problem in the past and was scratching my head all the time over it.
I finally figured out that the “unity” domain and login system is a mess and that it triggered my ad-blocker.

Anyone that experiences these problems should first try to turn the ad-blocker off and browse different areas of the website to see if they still have problems. I got “feedback” and “blog” on my whitelist…
Think there was another, really odd adress as well but can’t remember which one… I think something related to support or maybe that was for Unreal Engine… can’t remember.

I don’t have an ad-blocker, and still have this issue. It’s nowhere near as bad as it was a couple of weeks ago, but it’s still nowhere near as good as it used to be.

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Same issue here on Android with Chrome… they really should have had time to fix it until now.

I check in on these forums multiple times a day usually. I am still being required to re-login nearly every time I come to these forums. It definitely happens more than once a day. Is there any update on getting this issue fixed?