Forum rules!

I was reading the forum rules. It was nothing there that says I can’t ask for help about developing to Playstation 4.

The reason I ask here, it’s because I’m sure it’s many Playstation 4 developers here. And I just want to know if somebody have some experience with Sony. And I have right to ask for this in a General Discussion forum.

And please, let this post be open, so maybe some Playstation developers can tell their experience.

Or give me an email straight to Sony, because I can’t find it. I asked on the forum there, but most of them are gamers, not developers.

As I understand it, part of Unity’s agreement with Playstation to allow Playstation games to be made with Unity is that they are not allowed to discuss Playstation development on the forums. Blame Sony, not Unity.

It’s more so the fact that almost anything we would potentially be discussing falls under NDA.

How much does it cost? NDA
How fast is the process? NDA
How easy is it? NDA


What does NDA means?

I just don’t understand why my previous posts was locked. What is wrong with discussing Playstation?

Hippo already gave you few contact links and you also had found the submit page yourself. Based on your own posts it just looks like that you do not qualify to be a developer yet.

Non-Disclosure Agreement, NDA


NDA == Non-disclosure agreement.

Meaning you accidentally say anything about NDAd project, and they send an attack chopper + sniper team after you.

That was a joke.

It is still a legal contract and is a big deal.


Hippo had already covered all the information in the other thread:

No need to make more threads about this topic! :slight_smile: