Forums Functionality


It is very difficult to find something in this forum. If there is any way around please let me know.

For example I want to know something about “Linux Preferences”, I expect the search tool to show only those topics that include both words on any post.

However I receive all posts that have any of both words. The results shown are far from being relevant to my search.

My way around this problem is to search on Google and sometimes they link to the correct forum topic page.

Additionally listing posts instead of topics just inflates the number of results and makes it even more difficult to find the desired result.


When searching for a specific sentence or Phrase try putting “” around your words, ie: “Linux Prefferences”, you could also try with ’ instead of ", works the same way as google by searching the whole string.

Thanks for the tip. However, most of the times words are not in the exact order as written within “”.

I guess that a simple option on the search field to either look all words (AND) or any word (OR), will work.