found Parsing error while updating workspace

I and my colleague are working on different scenes and on different GameObjects.Today when he tried to update his workspace, plastic SCM showed him Error “parsing Error could find the file”. Screenshots of the error are attached to this message.
Besides in his pending changes scenes also showing the scene in which I was working, he didn’t even open the scene nor made any changes in that scene(Scene Name is: week9UrduE), in that scene he didn’t work but showing in pending changes that scene also.
is this the problem of the version control?
how can I sort out the issue?


The problem seems to be running the YAML merge tool when merging the .unity file.

Can you attach the Plastic SCM client logs?


yes exactly it is.
Actually my colleague didn’t open the scene In which I am working but when he was updating his workspace in his pending changes it is also shown mine scene even he didn’t open mine scene.Because of it during merging it is showing me this error also " the file has too many difference there aren’t enough resource to complete the operation. Try to get a different comparison method to reduce the number of differences."
Because of it the Game object’s lost its configuration.For resolving this issue, at my laptop I made duplicate copy of the scene and checked-in my work and I deleted mine scene from my colleague’s workspace. By doing this “the parsing error” was resolved and when he update his workspace he got mine duplicated scene. and scenes are in its correct order now working fine.
if you have another solution which is better then mine please share with me also.
Thank you


The reason for this “Too many differences”, it means that you have reached the limit of the maximum difference. The limit is 32k differences per operation. The file size shouldn´t be a problem.

It needs more or less 1,5Gb memory. We decided to limit the max differences because after this limit the memory increases a lot (we have the algorithm optimized until these values).

It’s very strange for this to happen. I’m guessing if a binary file is being tracked as text by mistake. But even with that, you should be able to resolve the merge by selecting the merge contributor (source/destination).

If you face a similar issue, please open a ticket and we will be happy to arrange a short meeting with you to debug your setup.
