founding the bottlenecks of a game for mobile device

Hi everyone . I have developed a small game for android OS . The status is listed below :

FPS : 80 or 110 or 130

Draw Calls : maximum is 11

Triangles : maximum 500

Verts : Less than 1000

Main Thread : 11.1 ms

Render : 0.3 ms

Used Textures : 2.1 MB

Virtual Ram Usage : 2.2 MB to 4.4 MB

Shadow Casters : 0

Skinned Mesh : 0

Profiler windows shows that the GUI.repaint is about 40% to 70%. and other scripts and physics are not noticeable .
So after all of these mentioned above. after while playing on a mobile device ,the device be warmed a little . Is this a performance bottleneck ?
thanks a lot.

Finally I had myself found the answer . answer is that : OnGUI() function has very much expense on the mobile devices . I had used disable/enable OnGUI Component and GUI textures which has solved the warming problem of the device.