Four Main Differences of Realistic Destructions of Buildings vs. Destructions in Current Video Games

"…Destructions and collapses of buildings in the vast majority of current games, for example games of FPS style, are far from resemble a realistic destruction of a particular material.
These buildings when trying to be destroyed intentionally or naturally, behave as if it had been cut into many pieces of size, shape and random location without respecting the laws governing the structural behavior, strength and deformation of materials…"

Many of the differences from a realistic behavior are:

  • When a portion of a structure is destroyed, cracks and deformations are avoided and not represented in other parts of the structure.

  • The ductile behavior of steel, deformation or overstretching before breaking is not shown.

  • The behavior of the reinforcements in the concrete, and overall behavior on destruction is not represented.

  • By destroying an important part of the building, for example a column, not structural calculations are performed to simulate the real mode of collapse of the building.

Last week I started to work on an ambitious project of an Editor Extension that aims to address all these problems and allow simulate destruction of buildings that resemble more to the reality of the material that they are composed.

This project will have the following characteristics:

  • This project will simulate the behavior of reinforced concrete structural elements during the process of destruction, simulating the physical behavior of the material composed by steel and concrete, taking into account the deformation and strength of materials.

  • Perform structural calculations of the initial state of the building and the successive states of destruction to obtain the building collapse mode that looks like reality.

  • Identify areas where large deformations and cracks without reaching the total collapse of the building will occur, and simulate this behaviour.

This is just a brief introduction to the general idea of the project. In the coming days I will be adding images and videos according to advance the development of the system.


What do you think?
Do you think that the destruction of buildings in today’s video games resemble reality?
Do you consider that this system would be of interest to produce increasingly realistic video games?

A picture is worth a thousand words…

A new pictures of the WIP!

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