FPS Animations

hi i am pretty new to unity. i have followed and learned alot from the FPS tutorial.
i made my level and i have my character in there and i have robots fighting me. so its all going well, except that i want animations for my character that my FPS camera will see. (like me drinking a beer) so i would have like a beer in my hand and when i click my mouse it chugs it. i hope that makes sense. but i am in first person and i just cant figure out how to do that. i hope that was detailed enough. i have the standard fps controller.(its still the gray capsule).i have the model for the beer. (but not the animation or anything). i even have the hands i would want to be seen in the animation but thats about it.and i would also like to know if its the same for other animations too. like stirring tea, or picking up a object(BUT HAVE THE CAMERA watch you as you pick it up with the hand) thanks you guys

King cocaine,
What you’ll probably want to do is take your hand/arm and connect it to the FPS controller as a child of the controller. You can then go to Window > Animation and create your desired animation with the arm - as long as the arm appears in front of the camera, further than the camera’s ‘near clip distance’, and not on a layer that’s being culled (see Camera to learn more about clipping and culling), you will see it in the camera. To learn how to animate, check this out: Animations.

Now you’ll want to add a script to kick off the animation (perhaps when the user hits a button), and voila: you’ll see a hand come up and chug your beer.