Hey everyone, was just wondering if I could get some help!
I’m really new to unity but feel I’m coming along pretty well. I’m making a small fps and hoping to intergrate multiplayer (lan parties with friends type thing) nothing major.
I was wondering, using the standard fps prefab you get how would I change the capsule into a player model.
What’s the best way to do it so that when an enemy player looks at you they can see your full body with whichever gun you have out and your animations. (like cod and bf)
I know the best thing to do is to just use hand models and a gun. but I was wondering is it easier to create a character with attached guns and animations (that would mean I would have to reload the character with a different gun each time they switched weapons?)and just attach a camera to his eyes. or (I’m not sure it’s even possible) to create a model just for the player graphics (what he looks like when someone looks at him) then add separate arms and gun models
I hope you guys have understood me and that I’m making sense.
hope you can help