FPS Controller problems

Read my latest comment for info…

This is the code I have the main section of problem is in the function Update

//Garth's FPS Controller

private var currentSpeed : float;
		var walkSpeed : float = 5;
		var runSpeed : float = 9;
		var gravity : float = 20;
private	var sprinting : boolean;
		var airControl : boolean = false;
private var playerControl : boolean = false;
		var jumpTimer : int;
		var limitDiagonalSpeed = true;
private var moveDirection = Vector3.zero;
		var jumpSpeed : float = 8;
private	var inputX;
private var inputY;
private var inputModifyFactor;
private var myTransform : Transform;
private var falling : boolean = false;
private var fallStartLevel : float;
		var fallingDamageThreshold : float = 10.0;
		var grounded : boolean = false;
private var controller;
		var sprintTimer : float = 0;
		var playerName = "New Player";
		var jumpLimit : int = 30;
		var jumpHold : float = 30;
		var jumping : boolean;

function Start () {
	controller = GetComponent(CharacterController);
	sprinting = false;
	currentSpeed = walkSpeed;
	myTransform = transform;
	sprintTimer = Mathf.Clamp(10,0,10);
	jumpTimer = jumpLimit;
	jumping = false;


function FixedUpdate () {
	inputY = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
	inputX = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
	inputModifyFactor = (inputX != 0.0 && inputY != 0.0 && limitDiagonalSpeed)? .7071 : 1.0;
	grounded = (controller.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime) & CollisionFlags.Below) != 0;
	if (!Input.GetButton("Jump")) {
			jumping = false;
	else if (jumpTimer >= jumpLimit) {
			jumping = true;
			moveDirection.y = jumpSpeed;
			jumpTimer = 0;
	if (falling) {
	falling = false;
	if (myTransform.position.y < fallStartLevel - fallingDamageThreshold)
		FallingDamageAlert (fallStartLevel - myTransform.position.y);
	if (airControl && playerControl) {
		moveDirection.x = inputX * currentSpeed * inputModifyFactor;
		moveDirection.z = inputY * currentSpeed * inputModifyFactor;
		moveDirection = myTransform.TransformDirection(moveDirection);
	if (!falling) {
		falling = true;
		fallStartLevel = myTransform.position.y;
	moveDirection.y -= gravity * Time.deltaTime;
	if (sprinting == true) {
	sprintTimer -= Time.deltaTime;
	if (sprinting == false) {
	sprintTimer += Time.deltaTime;
	if (Input.GetButton ("Jump")) {
	jumpHold -= 1 * Time.deltaTime;
	if (jumpHold <= 0 && !jumping) {
	jumpHold = 30;
	jumpTimer = 30;
	if (sprintTimer >=10) {
	sprintTimer = 10;
	if (sprintTimer <= 0) {
	sprintTimer = 0;      //Fix sprint timer..? add a cooldown or something like that

function Update () {
	if (Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") > 0) { //Forward
 	transform.Translate(Vector3(0,inputY,currentSpeed) * Time.deltaTime);
	if (Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") < 0) { //Backward
	transform.Translate (Vector3(0,-inputY,currentSpeed) * Time.deltaTime);
	if (Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") > 0) { //Right
	transform.Translate (Vector3 (0,0,0) * Time.deltaTime);
	if (Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") < 0) { //Left
	transform.Translate (Vector3 (0,0,0) * Time.deltaTime);
	if (Input.GetButton ("Run") && Input.GetButton ("Vertical") && sprintTimer >= 1 && grounded == true){
		currentSpeed = runSpeed;
		sprinting = true;
	else {
	currentSpeed = walkSpeed;
	sprinting = false;
	if (Input.GetButton ("Jump")) {
	jumpHold -= 1 * Time.deltaTime;
	if (jumpHold <= 0 && !jumping) {
	jumpHold = 30;
	jumpTimer = 30;
	if (sprintTimer <= 0) {
		currentSpeed = walkSpeed;
		sprinting = false;
		sprintTimer = 0;		
	//Printing Section
	//print ("Speed = " + currentSpeed);
	//print ("Players Name = " + playerName);
	//print ("Sprinting = " + sprinting);
	//print ("Jumping = " + jumping);
function FallingDamageAlert (fallDistance : float) {
	print ("Ouch! Fell " + fallDistance + " units!");
	//Add sounds effects! + Health System
@script RequireComponent(CharacterController)

Any suggestions on what I could change to make the script better would be appreciated aswell

(Code updated to match question in the latest comment i made)

You are defining variables of the same name twice. This is very bad as it leads to confusion for the processor, rather than changing your global variable, remove the declaration in FixedUpdate() and just have the assignment. So, your FixedUpdate() should start like this:

function FixedUpdate () {
    inputX = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
    inputY = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

You are defining variables of the same name twice. This is very bad as it leads to confusion for the processor, rather than changing your global variable, remove the declaration in FixedUpdate() and just have the assignment. So, your FixedUpdate() should start like this:

function FixedUpdate () {
    inputX = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
    inputY = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

if you want to use a new button go to InputManager ->Axes , create it and Name it Run.
so Chang the name of button Run to Fire1 or create it.

if (Input.GetButton (“Fire1”) && Input.GetButton (“Vertical”) && sprintTimer >= 1){

I have finally fixed all of the errors in my script! this was the fix for the movement:

function Update () {
	if (Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") > 0) { //Forward
 		transform.Translate(Vector3.forward * currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
	if (Input.GetAxis ("Vertical") < 0) { //Backward
		transform.Translate (Vector3.back * currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
	if (Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") > 0) { //Right
		transform.Translate (Vector3.right * currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
	if (Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal") < 0) { //Left
		transform.Translate (Vector3.left * currentSpeed * Time.deltaTime);

other fixes i used where not defining variables multiple times and alot of changing what my actual script was… (changing transform.position to transform.translate)