I don’t know why FPS us too much low even draw calls are fine to handle.
I have used LOD, Instancing, and all other known tricks.
Any Help ?
It looks like it’s doing a lot of work on the CPU. Did you try to profile it?
Yes I have Tried that rendering is major task here
“Rendering is a major task here” is a very broad thing. In order to be able to help, more details are required
Do you have a profiling screenshot? Did you profile the editor or the player?
Rendering here just shows the number of batches, SetPass calls, triangles and vertices and has nothing to do with the “why this is so heavy on the CPU”.
You need to look into the “CPU usage” section to figure out, what’s happening.
There’s a lot of information on how to use the profiler
Thank You That Was Due to Physics Colliders on Each Object.
One question is how to find Gameobject within radius without using physics and iterating all present objects
Without iterating over all objects? Search for space partitioning, like octrees.