FPS drop related to scripts

Apparently my scripts give me a sharp drop in my FPS all of a sudden. Then it goes back to normal until it happens again.

It has to do with EditorApplication.Internal_CallUpdateFunctions () for what the profiler is telling me.

But if I go to the Hierarchy view it says is is the GC alloc:

Is there a way to improve this or is it something else that I’m missing?

EditorLoop is all the Unity Editor itself. This won’t be present in your builds. Try profiling a built version of your game.

You could deep profile that, or, possibly the better solution, turn on Call Stacks (in the window toolbar) to record call-stacks on these GCAlloc samples (see link for how to use this feature) to figure out what is allocation these 22MB. If it’s your codes this should give you some pointers of what to optimize if you want to improve performance in the editor

What would be this:

The other text that appears is an asset I use:

But no idea what means the first one

Sounds like some C# event is being triggered. You could try contacting the developer of that uNode package about this.

Also, maybe it becomes clearer when selecting some of the other N/A entries and checking their call stacks?

All of them say the same.
So the second is related to uNode, but what about the first one?

As I said, that looks like a C# event invocation. I can’t tell much more from that screenshot. Maybe there is more to that call stack or maybe Deep Profiling can show more here?