I am trying to make the fps with the fps tutorial, i get this error and it wont let me test my game:
Assets/WeaponScripts/FPSPlayer.js(124,31): BCE0019: ‘frame’ is not a member of ‘UnityEngine.Texture2D’
My code
var maximumHitPoints = 100.0;
var hitPoints = 100.0;
var bulletGUI : GUIText;
var rocketGUI : GUITexture;
var healthGUI : GUITexture;
var walkSounds : AudioClip[];
var painLittle : AudioClip;
var painBig : AudioClip;
var die : AudioClip;
var audioStepLength = 0.3;
private var machineGun : MachineGun;
private var rocketLauncher : RocketLauncher;
private var healthGUIWidth = 0.0;
private var gotHitTimer = -1.0;
function Start ()
machineGun = GetComponentInChildren(MachineGun);
rocketLauncher = GetComponentInChildren(RocketLauncher);
healthGUIWidth = healthGUI.pixelInset.width;
function ApplyDamage (damage : float) {
if (hitPoints < 0.0)
// Apply damage
hitPoints -= damage;
// Play pain sound when getting hit - but don't play so often
if (Time.time > gotHitTimer && painBig && painLittle)
// Play a big pain sound
if (hitPoints < maximumHitPoints * 0.2 || damage > 20)
audio.PlayOneShot(painBig, 1.0 / audio.volume);
gotHitTimer = Time.time + Random.Range(painBig.length * 2, painBig.length * 3);
// Play a small pain sound
audio.PlayOneShot(painLittle, 1.0 / audio.volume);
gotHitTimer = Time.time + Random.Range(painLittle.length * 2, painLittle.length * 3);
// Are we dead?
if (hitPoints < 0.0)
function Die ()
if (die)
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(die, transform.position);
// Disable all script behaviours (Essentially deactivating player control)
var coms : Component[] = GetComponentsInChildren(MonoBehaviour);
for (var b in coms)
var p : MonoBehaviour = b as MonoBehaviour;
if (p)
p.enabled = false;
LevelLoadFade.FadeAndLoadLevel(Application.loadedL evel, Color.white, 2.0);
function LateUpdate ()
// Update gui every frame
// We do this in late update to make sure machine guns etc. were already executed
function PlayStepSounds ()
var controller : CharacterController = GetComponent(CharacterController);
while (true)
if (controller.isGrounded && controller.velocity.magnitude > 0.3)
audio.clip = walkSounds[Random.Range(0, walkSounds.length)];
yield WaitForSeconds(audioStepLength);
function UpdateGUI ()
// Update health gui
// The health gui is rendered using a overlay texture which is scaled down based on health
// - Calculate fraction of how much health we have left (0...1)
var healthFraction = Mathf.Clamp01(hitPoints / maximumHitPoints);
// - Adjust maximum pixel inset based on it
healthGUI.pixelInset.xMax = healthGUI.pixelInset.xMin + healthGUIWidth * healthFraction;
// Update machine gun gui
// Machine gun gui is simply drawn with a bullet counter text
if (machineGun)
bulletGUI.text = machineGun.GetBulletsLeft().ToString();
// Update rocket gui
// We use a quicktime movie with 20 frames to display how many are left
// The alpha of the movie changes every frame thus rockets get masked out when changing the frame.
if (rocketLauncher)
var rocketTexture : Texture2D = rocketGUI.texture;
rocketTexture.frame = rocketLauncher.ammoCount;