Fps Error, Frame Is not a member.

I am trying to make the fps with the fps tutorial, i get this error and it wont let me test my game:

Assets/WeaponScripts/FPSPlayer.js(124,31): BCE0019: ‘frame’ is not a member of ‘UnityEngine.Texture2D’

My code
var maximumHitPoints = 100.0;
var hitPoints = 100.0;

var bulletGUI : GUIText;
var rocketGUI : GUITexture;
var healthGUI : GUITexture;

var walkSounds : AudioClip[];
var painLittle : AudioClip;
var painBig : AudioClip;
var die : AudioClip;
var audioStepLength = 0.3;

private var machineGun : MachineGun;
private var rocketLauncher : RocketLauncher;
private var healthGUIWidth = 0.0;
private var gotHitTimer = -1.0;

function Start ()
machineGun = GetComponentInChildren(MachineGun);
rocketLauncher = GetComponentInChildren(RocketLauncher);


healthGUIWidth = healthGUI.pixelInset.width;

function ApplyDamage (damage : float) {
if (hitPoints < 0.0)

// Apply damage
hitPoints -= damage;

// Play pain sound when getting hit - but don't play so often
if (Time.time > gotHitTimer && painBig && painLittle)
// Play a big pain sound
if (hitPoints < maximumHitPoints * 0.2 || damage > 20)
audio.PlayOneShot(painBig, 1.0 / audio.volume);
gotHitTimer = Time.time + Random.Range(painBig.length * 2, painBig.length * 3);
// Play a small pain sound
audio.PlayOneShot(painLittle, 1.0 / audio.volume);
gotHitTimer = Time.time + Random.Range(painLittle.length * 2, painLittle.length * 3);

// Are we dead?
if (hitPoints < 0.0)

function Die ()
if (die)
AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint(die, transform.position);

// Disable all script behaviours (Essentially deactivating player control)
var coms : Component[] = GetComponentsInChildren(MonoBehaviour);
for (var b in coms)
var p : MonoBehaviour = b as MonoBehaviour;
if (p)
p.enabled = false;

LevelLoadFade.FadeAndLoadLevel(Application.loadedL evel, Color.white, 2.0);

function LateUpdate ()
// Update gui every frame
// We do this in late update to make sure machine guns etc. were already executed

function PlayStepSounds ()
var controller : CharacterController = GetComponent(CharacterController);

while (true)
if (controller.isGrounded && controller.velocity.magnitude > 0.3)
audio.clip = walkSounds[Random.Range(0, walkSounds.length)];
yield WaitForSeconds(audioStepLength);

function UpdateGUI ()
// Update health gui
// The health gui is rendered using a overlay texture which is scaled down based on health
// - Calculate fraction of how much health we have left (0...1)
var healthFraction = Mathf.Clamp01(hitPoints / maximumHitPoints);
// - Adjust maximum pixel inset based on it
healthGUI.pixelInset.xMax = healthGUI.pixelInset.xMin + healthGUIWidth * healthFraction;

// Update machine gun gui
// Machine gun gui is simply drawn with a bullet counter text
if (machineGun)
bulletGUI.text = machineGun.GetBulletsLeft().ToString();

// Update rocket gui
// We use a quicktime movie with 20 frames to display how many are left
// The alpha of the movie changes every frame thus rockets get masked out when changing the frame.
if (rocketLauncher)
var rocketTexture : Texture2D = rocketGUI.texture;
rocketTexture.frame = rocketLauncher.ammoCount;

The FPS tutorial is ageing somewhat now and may well contain deprecated code. From a quick google of this I noticed this forum post that confirms .frame as a property of a texture2d went out a while back -


and checking the script reference shows that this is not the case either -


So you would need to achieve whatever it is you’re going for another way. If its ammo displaying, simply update the texture with a differing texture dependent upon your ammo variable. Also when posting to Unity answers, make sure to paste code in as code and not normal text otherwise it ends up difficult to read and you are less likely to be answered by others.

Good luck with your project.

SO what do i do