FPS game: weapons

Hi, i am trying to male an FPS game, so i have a character and two weapons, but what should i do to change weapon ?? i need to change one object with another… What does it work ?
Someone can explain me this or give me some examples ??
Thank you so much :wink:

What you are trying to achieve is really darn simple all you nedd to have is some programming knowledge

**Create a new empty gameobject and make your weapos as the child of the new object and attach the script to the object created **
//Note this script is in JavaScript but since i use lot of C# i amy have made few syntax problems without my knowledge

public var Weapon:GameObject;

function Update()
 if(Input.GetKeyDown("1")) // Use keycode.Alpha1 instead used this tome it simpler to understand 

if(Input.GetKeyDown("2")) // If you press 2 then select second object


function SetActive(WeaponInt:int)
 for(i:int =0; i < transform.childCount;i++) // iterate through this Object's Children  
   if(i == WeaponInt) // if Selected int == current int that is i then Enable the object 
    else  // Disable it

you can just hide one and show other by code

or you can play hiding animation and then play showing other animation