I am having a problem with my FPS project. I have an odd problem with my gun model stretching on start of the game and again when I look up or down. It is only along the global Y coordinate as far as I know.
I have the model parented directly to the camera that rotates when the mouse is moved. Rotating side to side has no stretching of the model. Only when I look up and down does the model begin to skew.
Now I have been having problems with this for about 6 hours now, and I have checked every solution given. But After every slight change or reimport of the model, I begin to grow tired. So I am going to sleep, wake up tomorrow, and check this post. Any idea is greatly appreciated, even if it may be redundant.
I suggest that you post after sleep instead of before. Since this would aid in posting in the correct forum. These scale issues usually appear if the parent isn’t uniformly scaled.
Okay. Post a screenshot or short vid of the skewed model.