FPS hands get bigger when start animation

Hello all. Im making a FPS game. I got my character which is made by body ( its atached to player controller) and hands with weapon that are attached to camera. I make it like this because when im moving camera my hands and weapon will also move with it on all directions while the body rotating only on sideways. The problem is that since my hands are attached to the camera when i started walking animation they changed their position and float above the character. How I can start animation and keep hands attached to the camera at natural position? Or there is some another way to do this? Thanks in advance.

hi, i would try setting up my hierarchy like this:

the blue boxes are Game Objects and the Hollow ones are empty objects.
note how every Game Object can be traced back to the main player without having another Game Object as a parent this is because when you have a game object as a child to another Game Object if the parent object rotates the child will warp so we use empty Game Objects instead.
Hope this helps!

Hmm not sure if I can do that in my case xD. Look my setup, this is what I have

and I should upload this picture when i ask question at first:

I will try to do something with your advice and thank you for answering! :slight_smile:

I’m not sure but maybe the white vertical lines (blue in the picture) might provide a clue?

I just had an idea: after reading your other question Problem with connecting hands and camera FPS.
I think it might work to try removing the AK47 and hands as children from the camera as you described, but add a parent constraint to them so that they will stay position locked to the camera the same way as they would if they were children of the camera… but without the other problems (getting huge and floating, warping during rotation, etc.)

Hope this works!