FPS Install Step by Step

Could some please tell me step by step how to install and set up the fps sample, I tried youtube but found nothing useful.

General Discussion isn’t a support forum, you may want to try it in the FPS Sample’s topic: Learn Content & Certification - Unity Discussions
Also the github page contains the step by step instructions to get and install the project: GitHub - Unity-Technologies/FPSSample: A first person multiplayer shooter example project in Unity


oh ok sorry :slight_smile:

Just be aware that this sample project is not aimed at beginners. Unity has built it around the early releases of their new ECS framework and the beta releases of the new HD rendering pipeline. It’s very much subject to change at any moment and you will have to deal with that if you intend to use it beyond simply learning these topics.

I just want to learn form it.

Yep documentation is your friend. Follow what @ attached.

But as @Ryiah pointed out, because ECS is involved, and other in preview components, this may be beyond your scope of understanding. But other than that yes, have a look into it.