FPS micro game.

I just downloaded unity for the first time. I tried to run the FPS micro game tutorial. The first part of the tutorial is to play the game. When I press the play button, it comes up with an error “all compiler errors have to be fixed…”.

I haven’t done anything to it and the tutorial doesn’t explain how to fix it.

That sounds frustrating. I would double-check what version of Unity the tutorial is made for, and download that if you want to do this tutorial. Sometimes things change between versions of Unity that breaks older code, and as you’re brand new to it, trying to fix those errors yourself will probably not go well.

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the Template itself according to the assets store says it supports 2019.4.0 or higher.

the version of unity I downloaded was 2019.4.4f1.

As the tutorial is built into unity it self and is part of the software, I assume it’s supposed to work out the box.

I agree it’s supposed to. Sounds like it doesn’t, though. Perhaps try a different tutorial.

Okay I figured it out.

It doesn’t work if you start a new project and pick one of the templates from the hub. But it does work if you open the project from the learn tab in the unity hub.

it’s a pretty good tutorial but should have been more clear how to open it for first time beginners.

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Hey dude, I’m having the exact same problem but when I try to open it from the learn tab it still doesn’t run
It just shows the same errors again

That’s strange. Which game did you try? It seems like the karting one doesn’t work. The FPS and the platformer seems to work okay for me.

I used unity version 2019.4.4
And unity hub version 2.3.2

Yeah I tried the Karting one last week and it crashed straight away, apparently the design team are aware of the Bugs.