I was playing around with the FPS micro game and seems to work pretty well and the character controller seems much more simple and less bloated than everything on the asset store.
I plopped the player into a scene with stairs and it seems to not climb them smoothly at all. It also plays the landing sounds every step and overall just feels horrible.
I also tried a vertical moving platform and it spams the landing sounds and has very jerky movement.
A little late but for anyone that comes across this issue…
For the stairs issue in the HandleCharacterMovement() method in the PlayerCharacterController class there is some logic at the bottom of the method in a Capsule Physics Cast. Im sure there is a better way to do it but I added a check to see if the object we are hitting is tagged as a slope and if so run that code, otherwise skip it.
if (hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "slope")
CharacterVelocity = Vector3.ProjectOnPlane(CharacterVelocity, hit.normal);