FPS Starter Package

I previously submitted my package to the asset store and it was declined so I have made a few changes and before I submit it again I just wanted to see what you think. There is quite a lot to do before I actually do submit it as you will find that the multiplayer does not work yet and there are a few small bugs to fix. Just follow the link below, download it and then unzip contents and run the application. If anyone has any idea on how much are should charge for this package on the asset store please tell me as I am new to this stuff because I am only fourteen lol.

The link:



WASD to move
Left mouse button to shoot
Move mouse to look around
G key to throw a grenade


Basically just shoot at the Probes(Red spheres) to win.
Ammo will occasionally spawn in little crates in survival mode only.

Things to do:

Get multiplayer working.
Make a scoring system for survival.
Possibly add a friendly probe drop so when you pick it up you have a friendly probe on your side.

So as you can see I am no where near completion, but I am planning on resubmitting to the asset store so if you have any feedback or suggestions post below. Also I know the graphics are bad but that is why it is a starter FPS package.

Nothing personal but there is already fps tutorial on Assest store. Your package is not bad but does not bring anything new.

If you will add multiplayer it will have success.

Thanks for the reply I am working on the multiplayer as we speak.