I’ve been trying out Face Capture recently, and so far it’s pretty impressive. I was wondering if anyone was aware of anything similar for hand animations, for FPS style hands? All I’ve really seem is either some crazy expensive mo-cap glove, or some ways to fake it with a VR setup. I was curious if there were any solutions out there that relied on video capture to convert to a humanoid animation?
There are technologies like Mediapipe (from Google) used in a few products. There is also the LeapMotion camera (now UltraLeap). But you need to find tools that use them. E.g. I used a LeapMotion camera with VSeeFace. But I have not found the tracking to be that good yet, so 99% of the time I create pose animation clips and blend them in a Timeline by hand.
Cool. I’ll check it out. I’m currently pretty nomadic, so having to lug special equipment around isn’t practical for me right now. Maybe one of these days I’ll can find a place to rent a mocap glove for a day…
A leap motion camera is like 2 inches by 1 inch (not very big). Mediapipe is purely driven by a webcam or similar. E.g. https://3d.kalidoface.com/ uses it (you can play with finger tracking from a web browser!). I have never tried gloves, but I suspect they would give much greater precision.