FPS Switching Weapons on iPhone

Hi, I created a FPS game using the Unity FPS tutorial http://unity3d.com/support/resources/tutorials/fpstutorial.html

The game has a machine gun and rocket launcher attached to the FPS controller.
The game was built in a Mobile unity file “FirstPersonTilt.unity” then transfered to an iPod Touch.

On the computer, pressing 2 turns on rocket launcher, pressing 1 switches back to machine gun.

How do I switch weapons on the iPod touch. Is there a code to switch weapons touching the iPod screen?

Any help is apprecated.
Thank you

I am doing the same thing you are. I figured it out though. Use this instead of the PlayerWeapons.js script. It creates a button that toggle’s the weapons. I had some problems with my secondary weapon equipping first but i think i didn’t follow the tutorial correctly, actually i didn’t really follow the tutorial at all. So you may have to change 1 or 2 little things in it. But this should atleast get you started.

private var RifleEquip = true; 
function Start () {
function OnGUI() {
    if (GUI.RepeatButton (Rect (85,Screen.height - 80,75,75), "Shoot")) {
    if (RifleEquip==true)	{
	if (GUI.Button (Rect (Screen.width - 210,5,50,75), " ")) {
		RifleEquip = false;
	if (RifleEquip==false)	{
	if (GUI.Button (Rect (Screen.width - 210,5,50,75), " ")) {
		RifleEquip = true;
function SelectWeapon (index : int) {
	for (var i=0;i<transform.childCount;i++)	{
		if (i == index)