I’m fighting with Time.time on iPhone5…
I’m displaying the time with the following code:
function Udapte(){
timecount = Time.time - startTime;
min = (timecount/60f); // Get the minutes
sec = (timecount % 60f); // Get the seconds
fraction = ((timecount * 100) %100);
GUI.Box (Rect (10,10,110,50), String.Format(Time.time + '') );
However, it goes slower than the real time when I compare it on my watch. I thus decided to monitor the framerate with the following code (from the wiki), as it seems that Time.time is framerate dependant.
function Update()
timeleft -= Time.deltaTime;
accum += Time.timeScale/Time.deltaTime;
// Interval ended - update GUI text and start new interval
if( timeleft <= 0.0 )
displayFPS = accum/frames;
timeleft = updateInterval;
accum = 0.0;
frames = 0;
No matter what I do, I ALWAYS get 50 fps on my iPhone 5, and it’s never changing. On my iPad mini however it’s variating around 50. But on iPhone 5 it seems like stuck to 50. It works also fine in the editor, meaning that the fps is variating between 59 and 60.
I tried to change VSync, but no matter the value (0,1,2) it stays at 50 fps
What should I change to have the real time in seconds displayed and not a time which is slower than the real one) and the right FPS?
The timescale is at 1, and it’s not changing in game…