FPS Tutorial Woes

Unity is a great product, and I love using it, but I still don’t know how to do much, so I use their tutorials.

I’m in the middle of the FPS tutorial, part 2, and I’m trying to do the part where the barrels are supposed to be replaced with a “DeadBarrel” prefab after they’ve been blown up.

The problem is this:

The tutorial says “Right now, the barrels simply disappears when they explode, so lets add a dead barrel replacement” (I assume this means we do this so the DONT disappear). So I went through the steps they gave for adding a deadbarrel prefab to instantiate. the problem is, IT DOESNT WORK. I’ve included the script that they included with the tutorial (It was included with the asset download, I did not write it myself.)

Also, if you’re going to give a tutorial, shouldn’t it WORK? I had the same issues with the 3rd person game tutorial. IT DID NOT WORK.

Link to part 2 of the tutorial: http://unity3d.com/support/resources/tutorials/fps-tutorial-part2

Anyway, here’s the script:

111111–4262–$damagereceiver_125.js (1.44 KB)

That’s not enough info for anyone to help you. You have to say what you’re doing, what’s not working, and what error messages you might be getting.

They do work, if you follow the steps correctly. Or, in the case of the FPS tutorial, it did work…it was made for an old version of Unity and hasn’t been updated.


It should be…I did, I did, and there were none or they would have been mentioned.

I did. I followed them exactly, 3 times. This next sentence is more helpful, and maybe they SHOULD update it. If you’re making a new version, then update everything.

Ok, quick update: I know I sound like a whiny ass, but it’s frustrating when you pay so much money for something and it won’t work properly, even though you follow the steps exactly. 3 times. and then a fourth. and it still will not do what it’s supposed to be doing…

Anyway, I moved on to the sentrygun part of the tutorial, and it had me use the same script. This time, it had me assign the same prefab to the deadreplacement part. by same, i mean that the dead replacement was the same thing that it was replacing, ie. “A” blows up and is replaced by “A”.

So this worked for me, but I can’t figure out why. Anyone have any thoughts?

Sorry for offtop, but where can I take the FPS tutorial sources? Or just html link on this? The Tutorial pages on Unity3d.com is very uninformative…may be only for me.

Hi Neodrop,

you can get the FPS Tutorial here but it is for Unity1.x


You did not “pay so much money” for the tutorials, those were free. The problem here is that the tutorial is not compatible with Unity 2 and are having problems with it. We’re aware of the fact that the tut is out of date and will be resolving that, but please don’t take your experience with a known-out-of-date asset as a means of evaluating Unity (the thing you paid for) overall.

No, not off the top of my head as I’ve not followed the entirety of this thread. I will note that it’s on my plate to go through that specific tutorial this month so we can update it for Unity 2 compatibility, maybe I’ll have more insight to offer after I revisit that particular tutorial (I haven’t read it in well over a year, more like a year and a half).

This is much better. Firstly, I’m aware the tutorials are free. I meant that I paid for Unity, because otherwise I could not use the tutorials. I was not aware, however, that they were not compatible with Unity 2 or that there were any plans to update them. The “known-out-of-date asset” is known to the company, but not the users. This seems kind of important and worth mentioning beforehand.

Anyway, my friend and I were able to work through this issue and get it working again. We had to stray off the beaten path and do some scripting of our own, but in the end we got it and I was able to complete the tutorial (which is a great tutorial other than that small issue).

So, thanks to anyone who helped out!

Actually the FPS tutorial doesn’t need to work out of the box, you can blow away the entire scene and start from scratch using the assets. They all work. Using the manual you should be able to get around some of the old instructions that were created pre 2.0, anyway they are going to create a new tutorial at some point, not really a priority, they need a mental break from hammering out the iPhone addition to their product line.

You can make the FPS work with some work, can even network it which is rather nifty.

The only way to find them these days is generally to hunt them down in odd ways or find them linked off an obscure page on our site that says you’re looking at Unity 1.x tutorials in specific.

My bad on being more broad in my assumptions as it’s clear that’s not always the case. Either way we’ll be making some site updates soon and so you’ve given me some good food for thought around information clarity here.

Glad to hear you got past the troubles, rock on!