I have a problem with shaders not being loaded/compiled on Android. It seems to occur mainly on devices with PowerVR 540 Series GPUs.
There is one Shader it can not compile - but I’m actually not using this shader or I don’t know where it is uses. Is there any way to find out?
Here is the error message from adb.
#version 100
D/Unity (26077): uniform sampler2D _MainTex;
D/Unity (26077): uniform lowp float _Cutoff;
D/Unity (26077): uniform bvec4 unity_MetaFragmentControl;
D/Unity (26077): uniform highp float unity_OneOverOutputBoost;
D/Unity (26077): uniform highp float unity_MaxOutputValue;
D/Unity (26077): uniform highp float unity_UseLinearSpace;
D/Unity (26077): varying highp vec2 xlv_TEXCOORD0;
D/Unity (26077): varying lowp vec4 xlv_COLOR0;
D/Unity (26077): void main ()
D/Unity (26077): {
D/Unity (26077): lowp vec4 tmpvar_1;
D/Unity (26077): mediump vec3 tmpvar_2;
D/Unity (26077): lowp vec3 tmpvar_3;
D/Unity (26077): lowp vec4 tmpvar_4;
D/Unity (26077): tmpvar_4 = (texture2D (_MainTex, xlv_TEXCOORD0) * xlv_COLOR0);
D/Unity (26077): tmpvar_3 = tmpvar_4.xyz;
D/Unity (26077): lowp float x_5;
D/Unity (26077): x_5 = (tmpvar_4.w - _Cutoff);
D/Unity (26077): if ((x_5 < 0.0)) {
D/Unity (26077): discard;
D/Unity (26077): };
D/Unity (26077): tmpvar_2 = tmpvar_3;
D/Unity (26077): mediump vec4 res_6;
D/Unity (26077): res_6 = vec4(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
D/Unity (26077): if (unity_MetaFragmentControl.x) {
D/Unity (26077): mediump vec4 tmpvar_7;
D/Unity (26077): tmpvar_7.w = 1.0;
D/Unity (26077): tmpvar_7.xyz = tmpvar_2;
D/Unity (26077): res_6.w = tmpvar_7.w;
D/Unity (26077): highp vec3 tmpvar_8;
D/Unity (26077): tmpvar_8 = clamp (pow (tmpvar_2, vec3(clamp (unity_OneOverOutputBoost, 0.0, 1.0))), vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), vec3(unity_MaxOutputValue));
D/Unity (26077): res_6.xyz = tmpvar_8;
D/Unity (26077): };
D/Unity (26077): if (unity_MetaFragmentControl.y) {
D/Unity (26077): mediump vec3 emission_9;
D/Unity (26077): if (bool(unity_UseLinearSpace)) {
D/Unity (26077): emission_9 = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
D/Unity (26077): } else {
D/Unity (26077): emission_9 = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
D/Unity (26077): };
D/Unity (26077): mediump vec4 tmpvar_10;
D/Unity (26077): highp vec4 rgbm_11;
D/Unity (26077): highp vec4 tmpvar_12;
D/Unity (26077): tmpvar_12.w = 1.0;
D/Unity (26077): tmpvar_12.xyz = (emission_9 * 0.01030928);
D/Unity (26077): rgbm_11.xyz = tmpvar_12.xyz;
D/Unity (26077): rgbm_11.w = max (max (tmpvar_12.x, tmpvar_12.y), max (tmpvar_12.z, 0.02));
D/Unity (26077): rgbm_11.w = (ceil((rgbm_11.w * 255.0)) / 255.0);
D/Unity (26077): rgbm_11.w = max (rgbm_11.w, 0.02);
D/Unity (26077): rgbm_11.xyz = (tmpvar_12.xyz / rgbm_11.w);
D/Unity (26077): tmpvar_10 = rgbm_11;
D/Unity (26077): res_6 = tmpvar_10;
D/Unity (26077): };
D/Unity (26077): tmpvar_1 = res_6;
D/Unity (26077): gl_FragData[0] = tmpvar_1;
D/Unity (26077): }
D/Unity (26077): fragment evaluation shader
D/Unity (26077): Compile failed.
Any Help wolud be appreciated