Unity doesn’t have SSR, Reflection probes wont work for a ground and an other object (eg: a car in a parking which both of them have real time reflection), I’ve used kode80’s open source SSR reflection and the best result I could get is shown below:
I use Unity3D version 5.0.0f4 and I use lighting in Deffered mode. How do I add a proper SSR or working reflection to my game scene?
Yes, I have Unity version 5.0.0. I’m gonna see if 5.1.3 will do anything for me or not. I can’t use 5.3 at this moment because some shaders that I use is not compatible with it. I’ll update this post soon with the results I get with the version 5.1.3f1. And the Unity’s SSR does work not only in 5.3 but also in 5.1 but only with the “additive” option.
UPDATE: Well… same results with 5.1.3… see the problem in this version of Unity3D below.
(One is with the SSR reflection, the other is not)
Well, Seems those assets share that reflection problem even in the version 5.3 of Unity3D.
Still I don’t know a working reflection solution for my project. What are the workarounds available for this?.
That’s a limitation of Screen Space Reflections. If it’s not visible from the main camera view then it can’t be reflected.
The solution is to use a mirror reflection script. That creates a second camera that renders the scene effectively from below the ground and then you use a custom shader that uses that camera’s view as the reflection.
Hmmm thanks for your answer, but how does exaclty that custom shader behave? I mean, okay we create a camera and then we place it under the ground or terrain (but how far?) and then I think you meant to mix the main and the second camera in the shader, but how?
EDIT: Now I understood why they say “SS” or Screen space, that actually means it is based only on the content that the camera is recording and not more. I didn’t exaclty know what that mean.
Yes, I’ve seen it before. I guess I should find a way to mix this with SSR I guess, because using both SSR and this mirror shader would be super expensive IMO. Thanks for the info,though.
For the secondary “camera below terrain” for reflection rendering, you can take a look at the Standard Assets package under “Environment”, it includes a few Water prefabs that give good reflections using a mirrored camera setup:
The problem with that one is it will only reflect from the bottom, you can obviously add to it so that all planes work but I wouldn’t know where to start other than how he did this on the script. Reflections are very expensive rendering wise so you have to be careful.