[FREE] 3208: Space Danger

Support XawySoft!!!))))))))))

Application: 3208: Space Danger
Platform: Android
Genre: Arcade
Status: Release
Last Update: 1.0.1

Defend your planet from invaders! Survive being on the balance of death! Better buildings, defender, shells - so you’ll get more bonuses!

* Protects against enemies
* Survive on the planet
* Improve the defense
* Get bonuses
* Complete all waves
* Use different shells

Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.XawySoft.SpaceDanger3208

Google Play:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.XawySoft.SpaceDanger3208

Would love to see a game play trailer of this. It looks real nice but I can’t really tell from the screen shots how it plays, like a tactical rpg, bullet hell with loadouts, ship/character leveling fps sci-fi ship shooter?
A trailer would clear it up nicely. :slight_smile:

Nice graphics!

Update: 0.7.4
* A huge number of innovations
* New alerts for all improvements
* Added bonus resources falling out with opponents
* Changed icons Resources
* New enemies Central Health
* Adds resources increased
* Changed the information to the structures
* The opportunity of using static navigation buttons

New update, new screens!!!

1 Like

We are update game)))
And we need more test this version!!! Help! )

We’ve added the ability to read about the possibilities of a particular structure, which the player wants to improve. In order to see the information on the project improves, simply click on the “?” which is about improving each

**Google Play:**https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.XawySoft.SpaceDanger3208

Cool, I’ll give it a shot and give you feedback, perhaps you could also give me feedback on our new release as well in return. I’ll send you a PM when I’m done.

Finally - it got to the release!
Fixed information about the improvements and added Bosses!
Version: 1.0.0!

And update:
Version: 1.0.1 - Made small amendments.

__**Google Play:**https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.XawySoft.SpaceDanger3208__

Added Video: