Would love to see a game play trailer of this. It looks real nice but I can’t really tell from the screen shots how it plays, like a tactical rpg, bullet hell with loadouts, ship/character leveling fps sci-fi ship shooter?
A trailer would clear it up nicely.
Update: 0.7.4 * A huge number of innovations * New alerts for all improvements * Added bonus resources falling out with opponents * Changed icons Resources * New enemies Central Health * Adds resources increased * Changed the information to the structures * The opportunity of using static navigation buttons
We are update game))) And we need more test this version!!! Help! )
We’ve added the ability to read about the possibilities of a particular structure, which the player wants to improve. In order to see the information on the project improves, simply click on the “?” which is about improving each
Cool, I’ll give it a shot and give you feedback, perhaps you could also give me feedback on our new release as well in return. I’ll send you a PM when I’m done.