I’m looking for a free alternative to monodevelop. I’m having a lot of issues with it such as crashing and not loading properly. It also does a lot of stuff I don’t want like automatic indenting. I would go with VS 2013 but Intellisense and debugging don’t work with Unity. UnityVS only works with professional and ultimate versions.
According to this Unity works with the free version of VS 2010.
I’m currently using VS2013 Express and intellisense works fine as long as you browse to your project folder and open the .sln file. The only downside is that you cannot do any debugging it seems, which is a major annoyance if you’re doing a larger than small scale project.
VS2013 Express is the best free option available, period. As mentioned above, you cannot use UnityVS in the Express version (by design, apparently). You can still use Monodevelop for that, though. Unless it crashes on you constantly, I guess.
Wish there were a Mac alternative… is there?
Not that I’m aware of, which is kind of a bummer to be honest. I would love to be able to use VS2013 on a Mac
You could use Parallels or VirtualBox, and run it in a virtual machine. Microsoft bought SyntaxTree (makers of UnityVS) and recently released Visual Studio Tools for Unity.
I’m looking for a solution on Ubuntu/Wine…cannot debug with Monodevelop on that os.
Well, being a Linux user, I hope you’re used to rolling your own solutions, because I guarantee you’re going to have to…
Visual Studio or NotePadplusplus
I’m still a big fan of Uniscite
Visual Studio 2013 Professional along with UnityVS = Formula for success!
I’ve been using VS2013 Express and this workaround to get it to open scripts in a single instance: http://www.pipefantasy.com/?p=1303 (note: I had to change the code “static bool DEBUG_MODE = true;” to “static bool DEBUG_MODE = false;” to fix an issue with crashing). Working great so far, minus debugger of course. I’m willing to deal with it though, I really can’t stand Mono.