I am still working on the game and updating as regularly as possible. I do have a full time job and family outside of this project. So I spend what time I can on this.
I would love feedback on the following:
Is the game play fun and engaging, what is fun or not fun about it?
Do you like the graphics/art style, what about it do you like/dislike?
Do you style of music, what do you like/dislike about it?
Are the controls easy enough to understand?
Are the controls responsive enough?
Other thoughts about the game?
The game is still in an early phase, but includes:
-Start menu
-1 level
-Win state
-Lose state
-Tilt controls
In the pipeline to be completed:
-More levels
-Different unlockable skins
-Level selection
-Rating system
-Save system
-Size optimizations
Hello! I have tried your game and first of all, congrats on your game! In my opinion, the game is fun but it’s not really my cup of tea. The art style is amazing. The music fits the game. However a tutorial might be nice. I was confused for quite a while in the beginning as I didn’t know that I was supposed to tilt my phone (my bad). The controls feels good enough for me but I guess settings for adjusting the tilt sensitivity might be nice as well. Also, you should put quit button or at least quitting through clicking the back button on the phone. But overall, It’s a good game and I can see a lot of potential. Once again congrats, I am looking forward for the next update