[Free Android Game] Gone With The Flow

This is my very first Unity game. It’s a endless runner and exclusive on android.

Website: http://gwtf.sonsofearth.ninja
Direct Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SonsOfEarthGames.NagareNiKi

I think i post this thread the wrong place ot wrong community.

It’s the correct place. I like the game, nice idea with the audio pitch.

thanks :slight_smile:

Great looking game, reminds me of the Queens of the Stone Age video ‘Go With The Flow’. Is that what influenced the look and title? Fun and sort of trippy game to play.

I do have one small gripe, the score/text is really tiny on phones. I presume you used pixel perfect GUIText, it scales really small on mobile devices.