[FREE] [Android] Sword Dash - My First Game on Play Store

Hello everyone! After several weeks taking courses on unity and a ton of googling, I have finally released my first ever game to google play store!


Feel free to download and leave a feedback. I am looking to improve the game and improve myself as a game developer overall :slight_smile:

I really enjoy the art style you have here. This type of game play has never been one that I enjoyed, but it seems to be smooth and run well on my phone. Congrats on this game. Keep up the good work. I also understand the struggle of being newer to Unity, but keep at it! I also posted my first mobile app that I plan on updating to keep improving.

Thank you very much for the feedback! I appreciate it very much. Congrats on your mobile app as well :slight_smile:

Thank you! It would be nice to get feedback on mine, it seems to be flying under the radar. But hopefully someday, we can all get our works out there for everyone to see!