Free animated characters for prototyping?

I’ve been everywhere you can think of looking for some basic characters; Honestly all I’m looking for is a basic character with an animation for

  • Walk

  • Death

  • Attack (MELEE)

  • Attack (RANGED)

But I can’t find anything, on the asset store as-well, and I can’t animate for crap.

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Use the characters included with Unity examples (Unity guy, robot, Ethan, etc)

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These animations are nowhere near what I’m looking for.

Well then it sounds you are not really looking for prototyping material but closer to final which most likely means you need to buy or make em yourself as there are hundreds of ways character can walk, die or do melee/ranged attacks.

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That’s what I use when I occasionally venture into 3D. But mostly I stay in 2D, 2D programmer art is trivial to make.

Precisely. Having to mess with setting up the various animation states to show the right actions is something you’d do a good bit further on than prototyping anyway. For prototyping, the included Standard Assets should more than suffice. Who’s to say in a prototype that a player’s attack can’t be represented solely by a flash of red light, or a console message?

Spending too much time polishing a prototype is a great way to never finish things (speaking from experience!).

You can get mocap animations from animators really cheap. Check the commercial section. There’s also plenty of free stuff on the asset store, both characters and animations. Ostwind is probably absolutely correct here though.

I may have a couple for ya…I am about to convert everything to Unity 5

I had delusions of grandeur, I failed, now there all free…(mech anim compatible. Just not that good…but works for prototyping)



Wow, thanks. This is great!

What’s the license on these? I’m looking for some animations that I can include in asset store packages.

…no restrictions…absolute apapthy…

I just don’t care anymore…

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Brilliant, thanks again!