[FREE] Color Palette Extractor - Unlimited awesome color palettes!

Building a beautiful color palette can be hard. It’s an art.

Color Palette Extractor is a tool that can analyse the intrinsic color structure of an image, and give you the underlying color palette, with all its dominant color gradients. Like this:

With this tool, you can very easily get wonderful color palettes for use in your games. The color gradients can be exported in different formats, and you can use them in a myriad ways. In your game levels, materials, textures, logos, pixel art, shaders, vertex colors, user interface, procedural code, etc.

Just search the internet for an image you really like, and you’ve got a color palette! There’s an unlimited amount of wonderful source material you can use; other games, movies, photographs, or any piece of art!

Do you want the color palette of that one scene in that Pixar movie? Well, now you have it!

1.00 First public release

Works on all Unity versions from 4.3.

Asset Store Link: u3d.as/bXB
Web: wasabimole.com
More info: User guide


Color Palette Extractor 1.01 is now on the Unity 3D Asset Store.

1.01 Open image fix

  • Fixed opening images from another drive
  • Small bug fixes

Asset Store link: http://u3d.as/bXB

great ! and this is free !! tks, gonna test this asap !

Color Palette Extractor 1.02 Build project fix is now available on the Unity Asset Store.

  • Moved DLL to Editor folder
  • Fixed errors when building project
  • Other small bug fixes

Warning: Folder structure has changed! Before updating, please close Color Palette Extractor and delete the old version files in Wasabimole/ColorPaletteExtractor.


This is an excellent asset! And free! Very generous. Thank you.

I’m using it to extract color palettes from existing project assets and it is very helpful. I believe I have encountered a minor but annoying bug… when exporting to a C# script I have specified to use the “Color” type, but the generated script uses an incompatible mix of types Color and Color32, as shown in the snippet below:

// Gradients[4][16] -> 4 Gradients of 16 colors each
    public readonly Color[][] Gradients = new[] {
        new[] {
            new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f), new Color32(0.80392f,0.80392f,0.80392f,1f),

This can be fixed by the user by doing a change all from Color32 to Color in the editor, but with a large number of assets this gets tedious.

Also, as a suggestion for making the generated C# classes more useful, it would be great if the generated class was named according to the input image name.

Thanks for a great asset!