Free custom editor for editing properties and fields + execute methods.

This custom editor intended to replace the generic editor for scripts objects in Unity, permits the customized edition of fields, properties and execution of methods.

Is simple to use and is free (donation ware) :slight_smile:

Some images:

For more info on how to use, see these files (inside the package):

493111–17684–$easyinspector_beta_20110215.unitypackage (272 KB)

Hello guys,

I have been implementing Arrays and Serialized Class in the EasyInspector. You can download the new version in the first post (still in beta stage).

Please tell me how I can make this plugin more useful, any feedback is welcome :slight_smile:


Wonderful job Marceloroca. I’ll check out the lastest update and let you know. Keep up the good work. :slight_smile:

Excellent! This should help out quite a bit. I’ll check it out later tonight. Thank you!

Cool I will try this too.
And I will take a look at the code to learn from it :slight_smile:

Looks real good