[FREE] Flurry for IOS

Package no longer available, it not work with new flurry api

Hello. I feel like share this IOS plugin. All source code inside is open. So you can improve it or modify for your project. I did like 80% of flurry proposed functionality.


  • This extension will add flurry support for your app. Jut be shure you call FlurryConnect function on application start up. This is all you need for tracking your users age, gender, location, session length etc.
  • For more advanced users you can loog your own events and timed events using methods of FlurryMeneger class.

How to use

As soon as you have imported packgae to your project, you ready to use Flurry extension.
Here is description of FlurryManager class methods.

// Starts Flurry session. Should be called on start up.
public static void  FlurryConnect(string appId)

// Sets the user id
public static void  setUserId(string uid)

// Sets the user age
public static void  setAge(int age) 

// Sets the user gender
public static void  setGender(FlurryGender gender)

// Logs new event
public static void  logEvent(string eventName)	
public static void  logEvent(string eventName, bool isTimed)

// Logs event with parametres
public static void logEventWihParams(string eventName, params string[] values) 
public static void logTimedEventWihParams(string eventName, params string[] values) 

// Ends previously started timed event
public static void endTimedEvent(string eventName, params string[] values)

Use Examples


FlurryManager.logEvent("helloWorldEventTimed", true);
FlurryManager.logEventWihParams("MyParamsEvent", "who", "me", "why", "test");
FlurryManager.endTimedEvent("MyParamsEvent", "hello", "params");
FlurryManager.endTimedEvent("MyParamsEvent", "param1", "val1", "p2", "v2");

Here is the package

You will find documentation and example scene inside.
I hope this will help in your game development.

Superb, thanks!

Your welcome! If you need help with plugin feel free contact me via this forum or e-mail
me. My email address is lacost.st@gmail.com

Great plugin, thank you.
I tried compile it with latest version of flurry (4.2.3), but build was failed.
Solution it’s add SystemConfiguration.framework and Security.framework in xcode build settings.

Just an FYI:

The _logEventWithParams method doesn’t handle parameters with “,”'s in them (it splits the keys using it as a delimeter) - this causes a crash if I pass in an event argument like “iPad3,1” for example. (It throws a “NSInvalidArgumentException: count of objects (X) differs from count of keys (Y)”)

The bug was a bit fiddly to track down at first and you might want to document it or perhaps change the delimeter…?

That being said; I’ve just realised that we haven’t done an update of FlurryManager for a while so perhaps this is a non-issue with the recent updates?

The link is broken…