Free Form Deformation Extension for 2DAnimation Package

I made an extension for the Unity 2DAnimation Package that allows scripts to access and modify to each individual Vertex Position.

Using this, I wrote a basic FFD script and a basic vertex mover:

Here’s the full source of everything you need to get this to work on github:

Sadly, the only way I found to make this work is to replace the 2DAnimation package with a custom one that exposes the vertex data.

Hope this can be of help! c:


@bearcoree I know this was posted a long time ago but, do you happen to have an updated version of this? Working with the new 2DAnimation package.

Heya, sorry, but I didn’t continue development on this. Feel free to use my code to make your own advanced version tho!

Thanks @bearcoree ! I imagined it, just wanted to confirm :slight_smile: