The free look camera settings: Definition -Target Forward and Binding Mode - World Space.
I tried to change the Binding Mode to Simple Follow With World Up but it didn’t change much.
The camera is following and looking at the player and the player is child of a platform. the platform object has a script that making the platform object move between waypoints.
if the platform moving script is turned off and the platform is not moving everything is working fine.
but if the platform is moving the camera is stuttering.
this is the script that is attached to the Platform object and make it moving:
I tried to change it from Update to FixedUpdate and LateUpdate but othing helped.
The character have a Rigidbody and Animator with animations and the default animation is idle.
using UnityEngine;
public class MoveOnCurvedLines : MonoBehaviour
public LineRenderer lineRenderer;
public float speed;
public bool go = false;
public bool moveToFirstPositionOnStart = false;
public Transform player;
public bool rotatePlayerLookAtDirection = false;
private Vector3[] positions;
private Vector3[] pos;
private int index = 0;
private bool goForward = true;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
pos = GetLinePointsInWorldSpace();
if (moveToFirstPositionOnStart && pos.Length > 1)
transform.position = pos[index];
// Rotate the player to look at the direction of the next waypoint if not already looking at it
if (rotatePlayerLookAtDirection)
Vector3 directionToNextPoint = pos[index + 1] - pos[index];
if (player != null && player.forward != directionToNextPoint.normalized)
player.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(directionToNextPoint);
Vector3[] GetLinePointsInWorldSpace()
positions = new Vector3[lineRenderer.positionCount];
// Get the positions which are shown in the inspector
// The points returned are in world space
return positions;
// Update is called once per frame
private void Update()
if (go)
if (rotatePlayerLookAtDirection)
Vector3 directionToNextPoint = pos[index + 1] - pos[index];
if (player != null && player.forward != directionToNextPoint.normalized)
//player.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(directionToNextPoint);
void Move()
Vector3 newPos = transform.position;
float distanceToTravel = speed * Time.deltaTime;
bool stillTraveling = true;
while (stillTraveling)
Vector3 oldPos = newPos;
newPos = Vector3.MoveTowards(oldPos, pos[index], distanceToTravel);
distanceToTravel -= Vector3.Distance(newPos, oldPos);
if (newPos == pos[index]) // Vector3 comparison is approximate so this is ok
// When you hit a waypoint:
if (goForward)
bool atLastOne = index >= pos.Length - 1;
if (!atLastOne) index++;
else { index--; goForward = false; }
{ // Going backwards:
bool atFirstOne = index <= 0;
if (!atFirstOne) index--;
else { index++; goForward = true; }
stillTraveling = false;
transform.position = newPos;
and the player the character has a script attached that make it look at smooth a target:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SmoothLookAt : MonoBehaviour
public Transform target;
public float lookSpeed = 5f; // Control the speed of the rotation
void Update()
// Determine the target rotation. This is the rotation where the gameObject looks at the target
Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(target.position - transform.position);
// Smoothly rotate towards the target point.
transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, lookSpeed * Time.deltaTime);
Again! if the platform is not moving everything is working fine. the camera is in close range on the character that smoothly look at a target. but if the platform is moving then the camera is stuttering.
and i want that the player will look smooth at the target the same way if the platform is not moving also from close range smooth look at.
this screenshot showing the Platform structure objects and children. and the camera settings in the inspector: