[FREE]MicroSplat, a modular terrain shading system for Unity Terrains

MicroSplat is so great, thanks for all your work.

I’m wondering how I could add an option to spit out a second material where the following line would be in the vert function:
i.vertex.y = tex2Dlod(_HeightMap, float4(i.texcoord.xy, 0, 0)).r * _MaxHeight;

It’s for a terrain creation editor extension I’d like to optimize for use with MicroSplat. While designing the terrain I keep it on the GPU (as a RenderTexture) for speed, and pass the results to a plane that has it’s vertices offset. When editing is finished the RenderTexture gets read back to the built in terrain system which uses MicroSplat. But I’d like the plane to be rendererd with MicroSplat.

This isn’t a big deal, so if it can’t easily be done that’s cool, I can manually work it in.