Is it Just my Unity Licences going haywire or are the docs just out of whack? OK, As you know they’re are two types of Scene files: The Standard Binary Format , And the Textual YAML Format. The Doc for this looks allot like un-sailed sea’s.
As the Docs point’s point out the YAML format in unity requires pro. The Format is Usually larger than the Binary for obvious reasons and you can edit objects with a text editor. So the advantage of this format that its useful for generating entire new scene’s out of the blue. Or even an ModTool Specific to your game.
However, Even after the trial Unity(reinstalled windows and a i got another for some reason) can and will load YAML type scene files in the free version and they can be built and ran too. Did Unity decide to make this lost feature Free? Did they Forget about it? Or were the Docs wrong in the first place.
I know its not almost dire important like Occlusion Culling or Deferred Rendering, or why its a pro feature in the first place. but I doubt Unity would throw away a chance to make an extra 1500 here and there.
either way Free stuff is good. I just thought I’d share it out there