Asset Store
Instantly make your Unity VR game more comfortable! VR Tunnelling Pro (VRTP) reduces sim-sickness during intense motion by reducing peripheral vision and/or replacing it with static “cage” imagery. Tunnelling has been used to great effect in VR games such as Ubisoft’s Eagle Flight and in our own zero-g 6DoF shooter Sublevel Zero Redux.
Free and Open Source
With Oculus’ support, we’ve now made VRTP free on the Asset Store and on Github here! We’re working on a range of new features and improvements, and are pleased to announce that VRTP will support Oculus Quest alongside all other major platforms from all vendors.
The Github repo includes a dev branch with the latest techniques in beta, plus improvements to the editor GUI and more. Please feel free to submit issues and pull requests on the github, or discuss further here.
Fully Customisable
Use the default settings or delve into the huge range of options and modes, including colour, cubemap, 3D cage and blur. Mask objects from the effect or create static windows and portals. Use the debug tools to fine-tune motion sensitivity. Use Force Vignette mode to take full manual control of tunnelling.
Supports ALL Major VR Platforms
VRTP runs seamlessly on Rift, Vive, PSVR, Go, GearVR, Cardboard, Daydream and now Oculus Quest out of the box, including a lightning-fast mobile version which can also be used on non-mobile when performance is tight. Single-pass stereo is supported on non-mobile platforms, with beta support on mobile.
Powerful Preset System
Create full or partial presets in-editor and apply at runtime with one line of code. Let your players choose the settings that work for them.
Full Source Code, In-Depth Documentation
Get up and running in minutes with the quickstart guide, then drill down with tutorials and the comprehensive manual. Tweak anything you want with full source code and API documentation!
Comfort is one of the biggest and most common challenges VR developers face. Sim-sickness can be the difference between a great experience and an unplayable mess, in everything from indie projects to huge budget AAA titles. Tunnelling is a powerful tool for increasing comfort in almost any VR project.
Whether first-person, third-person, vehicular or anything else, we think VR games should put a premium on comprehensive, player-customisable comfort solutions. We’ve developed VR Tunnelling Pro to expand and improve upon the acclaimed comfort options in Sublevel Zero Redux, and make it easy for anyone to reduce sim-sickness in their own projects.
Unreal Engine 4
VRTP is now also available for UE4 - see the Oculus blog post for more details.