[FREE] Water Shader (Shader Graph)

Hi everyone,

I made this simple water shader graph. I’m looking to add refraction and foam to it if anyone feels like helping. Feel free to add to it and use it how you see fit I didn’t add any waves since I just needed a simple ripple animation I could do with normal maps. I made this for my personal project. Change the .zip to .unitypackage to import.


4495234–414541–OceanShader.zip (9.08 KB)

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This Looks interesting, thanks :slight_smile:

Does this work with a texture that has a texture Atlas to have different water tiles with different textures supported but only one material? Any Chance to get the shader instead the shader graph for testing?

thanks :slight_smile:

The shader should be included in the package, you just have to apply it to a material and assign a texture for albedo or you can also just use color and normal map… I haven’t tested the atlas yet. I just started messing around with it for my project and got it to a point where I think it could be useful for other people. If you guys are looking for certain features, let me know. I am only a hobbyist and trying my best but I can definitely add features to it if people are interested. If you guys make changes to it as well, feel free to post here. I was inspired by the community ocean project but I wanted something more straightforward and get it working with the new render pipeline.

If there are issues with the file let me know, I just packed it quickly before leaving home.