Hey There @denebhyde ! so I just brought this asset and have been having a play with it and so far so good
One thing I have noticed is when you equip the weapons they are not aligned properly with the players hands I notice in your trailers they are? this also happens on the web player preview …also I have had a quick scan through your tutorials and there does not seem to be one on setting up new weapons which I think would be handy.
great asset though and it seems to be a hidden gem
Yes - this product will be constantly updated - plan about 1 update on month - currently doing minor but important updates. Bigger update (Minimap) will be in October
Thanks for the fast reply! one question, how about this question in this forum?
One thing I have noticed is when you equip the weapons they are not aligned properly with the players hands I notice in your trailers they are? this also happens on the web player preview …also I have had a quick scan through your tutorials and there does not seem to be one on setting up new weapons which I think would be handy.
1 - can i create an RPG, eg Quests, stats,spells,items,Swords, shields, 2 handed weapons etc, charactor creator, NPC,Enemys that attack and follow a path or use NavMesh, shops,minimap, tool tips, crafting, stats on armour/weapons/spell buffs…etc?
Yes - you can do everything that you write and
you do not have to be a programmer - everything you may create in visual scripting creator but do not think that will create big game in five minutes