Freelance Support/Tutors for Unity3D

I'd like to find someone (or company) that provides remote support/tutoring for Unity3D to help me get a jumpstart on using the product. Is there a place to find individuals to pay for a session in helping me figure out things on an issue by issue basis, without having to post messages on the forums in the form "WTB: Help"?

Preferably not a faceless corporation pimping out services, but rather other Unity3D developers looking to make some $ on the side while providing a form of freelance support to help me figure out aspects of the engine and learn "better" ways of approaching certain issues in the context of Unity3D.

Posting in the Collaboration section on the forum would probably be a good start.

You could also try asking in the Unity IRC channel.

It's probably also worth bearing in mind that you already have something very similar in the combination of the many people willing to help on this site and the IRC channel!

Check out this topic for someone who's offering free Unity consulting on Fridays.